Planification and bug fixing

Last week we presented our prototype, which surely had all the crucial implementations for the game. However, this week we received the teacher's feedback, which stated that it lacked on morphing, and had "to much hide and seek".

Therefore, throughout the past days, our team was tasked to solve the remaining bugs, redesign the level, and more importantly, introduce new features to enhance the morphing experience .

To do so, we came up with the following ideas:

  • The morphing skill will serve of no use when the player is transformed into something that does not belong to the room where he is located.
  • The player has a time limit for being in a morphing state.
  • A new level, with 4 different rooms and corridors that connect them. It contains an office, a main room, a power room and a fountain room.
  • Add puzzle solving experience by including necessary tasks to pass the level. (elevator needs power -> turn power on; elevator only opens with a keycard -> find key card in the map).

Here is a picture of the idea for the level :


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A very interesting switch! I’d love to try it out!